
2024年10月 アメリカ V様
Dear Akira San,
We enjoyed our stay very much! Thank you to much for making our stay by providing us with the little things we didn't know meeded. From greeting us on arrivae, to going our everything is the house and making we were comfortable using everything, to providing us a map of the city and pointing out thing we might like visit…it has a great stay in Kyoto♡
It has fieen such a unique experience getting to stay in a 100 year old house. Likely to longet for years to corue. The picture you abut of dee of we the might we arrived is going in my scrapbook.
Many blessing to you and your fancily.
この度の滞在はとても楽しめました!私たちが必要としていたものを提供してくれて、本当にありがとうございます。 到着時のお出迎えから、家の中のあらゆるものを私たちが快適に使えるようにしてくれたり、京都の地図をくれたり、私たちが訪れたいところを教えてくれたりしました。

2024年10月 B様
Thank you so much for such a wonderful stay in Kyoto! For two weeks this place felt like home, and me and my family are so grateful.
During our stay, we visited many temples, shrines, even a palace or two, and have become very fond of the trains and buses here as well. Of course, the delicious food might just have been our favorite part. Japan is such a wonderful and beautiful country, and the culture here is inspiring.
Thank you again for your hospitality!
素晴らしい京都での滞在を本当にありがとうございました! 2週間、この場所はまるで家のように感じられ、私と家族はとても感謝しています。

2024年10月 ウィーン M様
Dear Akira-San,
Thank you for your hospitality!
If you ever travel to Austria or Switzerland, get in touch with us and we will show you our wonderful home towns: Graz and Zurich.
Thank you!

2024年8月 中国 Y様

2024年7月 中国 L様
非常感谢房东的热情款待.,人在异乡遇到热心肠 的房东真是一件幸运的事。 房子近百年、非常有历史底蕴,感觉住在里面可以 和房子时话。时空转换 历史的痕迹只会加 深 房子的魅力。说也奇怪,晚上的睡眠非常好。 可能房子的灵气在护估着每一位与之相遇的客人。
Thank you very much for your incredibly warm hospitality. It was truly fortunate to encounter such kind hosts in a foreign land. This house, with its nearly hundred-year history, gives one the feeling of conversing with the building itself. The traces of history that transcend time and space further enhance the charm of this home. Strangely enough, I slept very well at night, almost as if the spirit of the house was protecting all the guests who stay here.

2024年4月 インド Q様
Akira san have been so warm, welcoming and hospitable. You have been so prompt in addressing all questions and doubts. We have thoroughly enjoyed our time here. What a beautiful home it is! I really wished I could stay here for longer. I've had the best sleep in your tatami room.
アキラさんはとても温かく、歓迎してくれて、おもてなしも素晴らしいで す。質問や疑問に対する返答がとても迅速でした。ここでの時間を存分に楽しませていただきました。何と美しい家でしょう!もっと長くここに滞在できたらと本当に願っています。畳の部屋での睡眠は最高でした。

2024年3月 アメリカ T様
Good evening Akira, we’ve had a wonderful time in Kyoto and Tsubakian! It time went to fast! Thank you Akira sann! We are heading to Tokyo for 1 wk then we go home. We are already talking about coming back. If we come back to Kyoto we will try and book Tsubakian again! Our trip has been amazing. Japan is beautiful, food is amazing, and the Japanese people have been very kind to us. We have very much enjoyed our time here in Osaka, Kyoto, and look forward to Tokyo! Thank you again.

2023年12月 台湾 C J様
Thank you for the thoughtful Christmas decorations and gifts, as well as the attentive hospitality! My family, friends, and I are all satisfied. All the facilities are in perfect condition! The house may not be large, but it feels cozy to live in!

2023年11月 Singapore P様
Thanks for your warm greetings and hospitality.
It was our pleasure to stay in a 100 year old of traditional house, so well
maintained and clean. We had a great time here.
Your house is like a scene from a studio Ghibli movie.
So beautiful, clean, whimsical.
I enjoy feeding your fishes every morning, its so therapeutic and healing!!

2023年9月 中国 XC様
店子好复古,满满京都氛围,进店的石坎地板很喜欢,房同里到处都有很多日式文化细节、老板爷爷人很好的^ ^
"The inn has a great retro vibe, full of Kyoto atmosphere. I really like the stone steps at the entrance of the shop, and there are many Japanese cultural details throughout the place. The owner is very nice!"

2023年7月 デンマーク TD様
Thank you for letting us stay here in your beautiful Tsubaki Ann.
It's amazing to experience such an efficient living space. Everything is for a purpose, it's like a magic box, opening into secret rooms.
We managed to live here 9 people for 4 days, and it worked really well.
Thank you for taking good care of us and making sure that all conveniences were at hand.

2023年5月 中国 A様
AKIRA给予了我们很好的支持, 带着3个孩子我们在老屋度过了愉快的京都生活,我们会带着美好的记忆回到中国。
AKIRA has provided us with great support. With three children, we spent a pleasant life in this old house in Kyoto. We will return to China with beautiful memories.

2023年3月 ドイツ M様
What a wonderful experience to live in Japanese history just for a few days! We loved it!

2023年3月 中国 X様
住得超级开心!很棒的一次体验。真是梦想小屋!服 务 也 很 好 !
Even more exquisite than imagined, the atmosphere is superb! It has a strong sense of an ancient village. Very comfortable to live in! The decoration is also particularly delicate, and I really like the fish inside!
We had an extremely happy stay! It's been a fantastic experience. Truly a dream house! The service is also very good!

2023年3月 日本 KY様
京都らしい宿でとても風情があって感動しました。対応と非常に良く。 快適に過ごすことができました:)
したい です! ありがとうございました:)
古民家の風情が感じられつつも、リノベされていて清潔感もあり とても快適 に過 ごせました。ホスピタリティも充実していて
大 変 満 足 で す 。あ り が と う ご さ り ま し た
We were deeply moved by the charm of this Kyoto-style accommodation. The service was excellent, and we were able to spend a comfortable time. If we have the opportunity to visit Kyoto with our family in the future, we would love to stay here again. Thank you very much!
While we could feel the atmosphere of the old folk house, it was renovated and maintained cleanliness, making our stay very comfortable. The hospitality was also excellent, and we are very satisfied. Thank you.

2022年12月 日本 S&Y様
椿庵一棟貸し、とてもゆっくりできて、満足でした。家のよようにくつろぐことができて、堀こたつでほっこり!金魚達にも癒されました。とても楽しい京都旅行になりました。 S